Class Descriptions

Levels of difficulty
One key: all levels
Two keys: intermediate levels
Three keys: experienced yogis
Beginners’ Yoga
If you have never done yoga before—or are new to the yogic world—this is where you want to start. A beginner yoga class spends more time on physical postures and incorporating movement to breath. Instructors will take more time on focusing on safe alignment, slow movements, and breathing with purpose. SEE SCHEDULE
Real talk:
This class will go slow and easy, but you will reap the rewards with stronger, leaner muscles, and a clearer mind.
Chair Yoga
Chair yoga is designed for anyone. This class centers around individuals who may sit all day at work, on an airplane, or who simply do not have the mobility to engage in a yoga class that incorporates standing and kneeling poses. The instructor will teach stretching and movement that students can perform while staying seated. This practice allows individuals to stretch their muscles, move their joints, and breathe with mindfulness. SEE SCHEDULE
Real talk:
This is an all-inclusive class that allows everyone an opportunity to share in the benefits of yoga. Participants can take their practice to work with them and use techniques throughout the workday to energize and revive themselves. This class is guaranteed to settle the mind and nurture the body.
Kids’ Yoga
It is never too early to get the future of our society interested in yoga. After all, we need to teach our children to unplug their devices and plug into their bodies and minds. Kids’ Yoga will be a 6-week workshop for children to learn how to do just that. Students will be introduced to the benefits of yoga and learn how to stretch their bodies and clear their minds. Kids will welcome the active way their bodies move, while learning to embrace the stillness and silence of their minds. Teachers will emphasize the importance of stress-relieving exercises and techniques to rid the brain of anxiety. SEE SCHEDULE
Real talk:
Get your children reconnected to themselves. In today’s world, everyone needs a reminder to love him/herself. Let’s teach our kids how.
Restorative Yoga
Restorative yoga welcomes the slowing down of the mind and body, while opening one’s body and mind through deep muscle stretching. During the long holds of restorative yoga, muscles find deep relaxation. With the use of props, the body feels like a place of complete surrender and contentment. SEE SCHEDULE
Real Talk:
If your body aches or if your job/family/life is stressful and full of worry, this is the class you’ve been waiting for. It’s your sanctuary of peace and serenity.
Vinyasa Flow
This class is called “flow” for the smooth way that each pose will transition into the next. Vinyasa yoga is the most popular form of yoga—incorporating movement to breath while flowing through the practice of different yoga poses. The instructor will guide the yogis through the poses with cues, while adjusting individuals for a healthier and safer practice. SEE SCHEDULE
Real talk:
This is the perfect transition after beginners’ yoga, allowing students to advance their practice a little further.
3KeyFit is a hybrid class, combining yoga, strength training, and cardiovascular exercises. Classes will incorporate weights, resistance bands, and yoga balls. Clients will feel the keys to success in one fast-paced, 45-minute workout. SEE SCHEDULE
Real talk:
3KeyFit is for those participants who want to sweat, pant, and push their limits for a full-body workout. If you think you’re ready, then unlock the challenge of stopping in for a 3KeyFit class.
Barre Yoga
Barre yoga is a hybrid class, combining ballet-inspired movements with dance, yoga, and strength training. Classes will incorporate weights, resistance bands, yoga balls, and the ballet barre—with some cardio dropped in to catapult that heart rate. SEE SCHEDULE
Real talk:
Barre class LOOKS as simple as pie, but it is not for the faint of heart. Your muscles will awaken—and possibly beg for mercy. But barre class students will love the way their bodies transform after hanging out daily at the barre. Just like any barre, the morning after is always the worst.
Strong Flow (hot)
This class is for the experienced yogi. The class will combine a fast-paced Vinyasa flow with high temperatures (95*) for the full yogic experience. The artificial heat and humidity allows for the elimination of toxins while increasing cardiovascular activity and metabolism. SEE SCHEDULE
Real talk:
You are going to sweat, pant, and be ready to cry “uncle.” But you won’t, because you’re a warrior. You can power through anything this universe throws at you. (Unfortunately, no participants under the age of 18 are permitted to participate in a hot yoga class.)
**Students must be 14 years old or above to participate in yoga classes. Children under the age of 14 are invited to register for the Kids’ Yoga Sunday sequences. Unfortunately, due to space limitations, Three Keys Yoga studio does not offer child watch during classes.